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EJC Alumni


Updated: May 16, 2021

Hello everyone! We are from Project AEGIS, a senior-junior academic mentorship programme. We are a group of J3s who are volunteering to mentor our J2 juniors for free during this period of home-based learning.

WHY are we doing this?

  1. For Our Juniors. We seek to help and support them in this challenging yet critical period, especially when their usual learning environment has been disrupted. The A levels is an important milestone for everyone - any help will go a long way in making a difference.

  1. For Our Teachers. The shift to HBL has caused large amounts of inconvenience and added administrative workload for our teachers. This initiative aims to support our teachers by complementing their incredible efforts at adapting teaching strategies online.

  1. For Our Eunoia. EJ is our home; it is where we learnt and grew for a few of our most precious years of our youth. Given this, we hope to contribute to a spirit of giving back to our alma mater, where graduated Eunoians actively step up to contribute in whatever way we can.

WHY are we SUITABLE as subject mentors?

  1. This project has been acknowledged by the school management and on top of our own stringent selection process for our volunteer mentors, the teachers will also be looking through the list of mentors before we pair them up with you. Thus, our mentors will be more than qualified to support your academic needs.

  2. As we're only 1-2 year(s) older, we can relate better to your learning styles and needs. We understand which topics were the most complex, which concepts were the most difficult to grasp, and which questions are the most daunting.

  3. We're fresh JC graduates, which means that we are relatively updated on the syllabus and JUST sat for the A levels.

  4. As we've just been through the A levels, we can offer more insight through reflection in retrospect - eg. things we could have done better, strategies we ought to have adopted earlier etc.

HOW will mentorship sessions be conducted?

  • You will be given a choice between individual or group mentorship. The maximum number of mentees per group will be 4 and the estimated ratio is 1 mentor to 2 mentees.

  • However, if we are unable to make 1-to-1 arrangements for those who registered for individual mentorship, we MAY have to group individuals into small groups instead.

  • Sessions will be conducted for a maximum of 1.5h per week.

  • Mentoring sessions will only be conducted ONLINE, hence Skype will be the default platform to use.

I'm a J2 who’s interested to register! How do I get started?

  1. For J2s, register via RSVP on the Events section of this website by 17/04/2020 Friday 10am. You will need to submit one form for every subject that you would like to register for (this applies to both individual and group mentorship). The registration form includes a FAQ segment, so check that out if you would like more details before signing up.

  2. If you are registering for group mentorship for a certain subject, only one form is needed to be submitted on behalf of the entire group.

  3. We’ll contact you via email as soon as we find you a suitable mentor.

  4. From there on, you can start contacting your mentor and begin sessions!

I’m a J3 who’s interested in volunteering! How can I join?

  1. For J3s interested in becoming an academic mentor, sign up via RSVP on the Events section of this website by 17/04/2020 Friday 10am. ! The recruitment form includes a FAQ segment, so do check that out if you would like more details before signing up.

  2. Do note that it is not guaranteed that everyone of you will be assigned a mentee, as this depends on the number of juniors who register for each subject.

The names of our core team members and our contact details are in the prospectus attached in the email sent out. If you have any queries, feel free to approach us! Thank you for your time and we look forward to working with yall! :)

Yours Sincerely,

Project AEGIS Core Team


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